Thursday 13 December 2012

Useful Tool to Calculate Leave Entitlement

Trying to calculate the holiday leave of employees especially if they work in hours per week rather than the full five days per week can be a bit of  marathon calculation especially if have to factor in a mid-year start date. is probably one of the most valuable resources around and is full of excellent and no-nonsense information covering a very wide range of topics.  Including I am pleased to add a very simple question and answer page that will when you have put in all the data - actually calculate the hours right up to the very minutes of allowable entitlement leave time for each individual employee.

This is definately going on favourites list.

Visit Calculate Holiday Entitlement at to check out just how easy it is.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

It's that time of year ....... for Budgeting

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

Filling in Budgeting Forecast Spreadsheets:  A pain in the butt or one of the most important management decision making tools you can have at your finger tips?

When I get five minutes I am going to link in a 'Budget Forecast Spreadsheet'.  It's one of the best ones for monitoring performance actuals against planned activities that I have come across to date.  It's really simple to fill in and gives one a sense of direction and something to refer back to at various stages in the fiscal year.

I will confess that I do get a teensy bit of resistance from my new-to-me clients who have never had an opportunity to complete one before - and sometimes its only when we've reviewed a couple quarters that suddenly it becomes one of their most important management tools that helps them actually SEE what sort of health regards cash flow is within their business.

For instance, a Budget Sheet can be used to help decide whether there's enough money in the kitty to move into new premises, or buy new stock or machinery, or provide staff training or worse case - whether your incoming cash is a mere trickle or flowing nicely - thank you.

If you don't have one already have a look at the one that I will be posting - it really is very easy.  However, if you get stuck - send me an email and I'll do my best to help.

Have fun!


Monday 22 October 2012

Yes it is totally official ... I am a Trekki nerd

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby
Well I guess the cat is well and truly out of the bag..... yes it is totally official ...  I am a Trekki nerd.  I immediately spotted a com badge that was on the wrong side of the uniform on a member of our party and I knew what a Klingon drinking vessel on sight.  On the (rather excited) side I DID catch a glimpse of the MAN HIMSELF* knees' - the rest of him was obscured by a lucky fan getting an autograph. 

In case you are wondering we've just come back from two days at Star Trek London and had a fabulous time.  We went with very few expectations - to see and be seen.  Especially since for my last wedding anniversary I rather ecstatically received a Major Kira ear ring complete with fake nose piece.  I do believe I was the only one sporting such a fabulous ear ring.  Was slightly disappointed that my nose kept falling off and ended up in the bottom of my bag.

We took no credit cards, no bank cards and with everything paid up in front including train fees, oyster card, hotel room and took a mere £200 cash with us which included £60 back up funds and divided between us for safety's sake.  Thought the women behind the desk at the hotel reception was going to faint when she demanded a swipe at our card on arrival.  Not carrying a credit card with you - how very provincial!

Megatrain did us proud - with two tickets to London all for the princely sum of £10.00 FOR TWO people plus a £0.50pence setting up fee.  Didn't think it would work and we'd be kicked off or made to pay more but no... the conductor just looked at our email print off, smiled and thank us.  There was a notice on the return that Megatrain customers needed to check in 15 minutes prior to departure.  But for the return leg we treated ourselves to two First Class tickets all for the princely sum of £31 each.  Brilliant deal from East Midlands Trains. 

The Oyster Card was awesome and saved HEAPS of money on tube/DLR fees.  For example on Saturday afternoon the group ventured out from Excel London to visit Greenwich the home of the Meridian Line.  It cost just £1.20 using the Oyster Card but for fellow ticket buyers the same journey was £3.60.  It was a bit scary at first but those of us using the little cards soon got the hang of pressing the cute little card onto the big yellow buttons that seem to be springing up all over London.  The group even managed a trip back to Excel on the water ferry and the cable car both with very pleasing discounts using the Card.  Have to say the cable car was the second highlight of my weekend - it was just like being launched into space to join the Enterprise in the night sky.  My very own little shuttle ride.

The first highlight, was of course, getting my photo taken with a Klingon for free.  So thank you to unknown Irish Klingon for making my whole weekend!  Not that either of these two magnificent specimens were my photo partner... it's just to show you what a Klingon looks like - just in case you were not familiar with the term.

SO then HOT MONEY SAVING TIPS for visiting the Big Smoke.... 

Search Megatrain or Megabus for cheap fares alternatively use the compare markets to search for the cheapest of train fares.

Get yourself a pre-paid Oyster Card - easy to top up at any news agents or stations - saves both money a time.

And finally - accost unsuspecting members of the public who dress up in wickedly awesome costumes and ask them very sweetly for their photograph..... 

Hope your weekend has been as great as mine!

And yes this post just wouldn't be the same with my total hero of all time.... the delicious Mr Spock....



* Obviously I refer to Kirk aka William Shatner.

Friday 5 October 2012

Selling Quickbooks SimpleStart 2013 on Ebay? A Brilliant Idea - possibly not.....

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

Selling Quickbooks SimpleStart 2013 on Ebay?  A Brilliant Idea  - possibly not.....

I guess it's my own fault really - I should have listened to my inner dragons.  But no - in a fit of bravado I decided to put my spare Brand New Never Opened Intuit QuickBooks SimpleStart 2013 Edition up for sale at a wonderful knock down price on EBay....

I don't like EBay and I dislike PayPal even less, click here to see why.  Yet despite myself - I have just spent a couple of  fruitless hours adding my item and releasing it into the www domain.... then I thought to go back and check...

Tsk - can you believe I've somehow messed up the TITLE!  Spot the mega red face here amongst us! 

Sadly - the stupid system won't let me change the title - so now my teddy is well and  truly out of the pram, along with blanket, dolls and rattle...

Ok well I do have a back up plan - but it will have to wait until Sunday now when Technical Support will be available.  That is unless the F1 is on. 

So to Action Plan C..... now then - WHO amongst YOU needs a brilliant, unopened genuine copy of Quickbooks SimpleStart 2013... then please put me out of my misery and click on the buy it now... 

Visit my embarrassing mistake here

Did I mention it was going at a real knock down price?????

.... please ........              anyone???


Tuesday 25 September 2012

Derby CAS: Free Seminar's for Derby Charities

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby
Derby Community Accountancy Service (CAS) provide a valuable service to Charities in and around Derby. 

I am guessing you have never heard of them?  Indeed they do have a very low profile which includes not having a web site.  Yet they have been serving charities for over 20 years.

I stumbled across them purely by chance - oddly enough at a seminar being run by Companies House held at Pride Park in Derby.

This month they are running a series of  FREE seminars designed for Charities with the aims of understanding a wide range of issues from the roles of the committee members, understanding how to promote your charity, fund raising and the dreaded 'keeping of the books'.

The first course was held last week, Charity Law and How it Effects Your Group with Nick Mcakin, and provided some interesting and valuable insights into the daily running of committee and the vital importance that proper communication plays for a successful outcome and health of the charity concerned.

The next seminar is being held tomorrow 26 September 2012 covering:  Financial Management for Voluntary Groups with speaker Margaret Mowles. 

It is not too late to book your place!  oh and did I mention it was FREE?

If you are interested in attending tomorrows or any of the other forthcoming seminars contact to reserve your place.


Thought for Today

A wise soul opens the window to the future by closing the doors to the past.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

National Landlords Association (NLA) Accreditation Scheme

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

One of the main difficulties faced by the landlord with a small portfolio is 'what to do if something goes wrong?  Property problems can range from mould to overgrown hedges to having to replace a rusty bath with a whole variety of issues in between. And then of course there are the tenant issues.

Networking with other landlords in your area can prove surprisingly beneficial.  Discussions can be wide ranging covering such tricky topics of where to find a new tenant to the pros and cons of the various letting agencies that offer their property management services to the unsuspecting newbie.

Another option would be to connect with a landlord association such as the NLA (National Landlords Association).  Subscribing to their RSS feed is free and its a great way to keep up with all the latest news.  In addition they not only do they offer membership to the NLA for a small fee (tax deductible), but they also run a (CPD based) accreditation scheme.

NLA say that:

"Accreditation is an excellent way for responsible landlords to improve their knowledge of the sector as well as verifiably promote your services as a good landlord to tenants."

To find out more about their accreditation scheme visit: NLA - For Landlords


Thought for Today

"Men keep their agreements when it is an advantage to both parties not to break them.” Plutarch

Sunday 15 July 2012

Burnley Savings and Loans Company aka Bank on Dave

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

I don't know about you but watching Dave Fishwick talking about setting up a new kind of bank, on the tele the other night was a refreshing and dare I admit it, an interesting experience. 

Refreshing, because well, his accent is sort of familiar.  Husband comes from Dave's neck of the woods and we usually try and go home at least once a month.  Last time we were 'up North' we had to do some errands for gran.  And I was shocked.  Five years ago the shopping areas we went into were bustling and thriving - today there over 95% of the business were gone.  The shopping precincts were empty of traders.  To Let and For Sale boards hung outside business premises were tatty, dirty and ripped.  Obviously they had been there for some time.  What happened?  Where have they gone?

People talk in vague terms of the North-South divide and how the rich are getting richer.... and then of course there are the banks or rather in particular the people who take the enormous bonuses out of a 'bank business' that well - let's not mince about the bush.. have failed.

I find myself feeling totally disgusted by their greed and avarice.

So Dave Fishwich was a breath of fresh air and I for one am going to watch with baited breath for the next instalment.


"I don't hire people who have to be told to be nice.  I hire nice people."  Leona Helmsly
External Links

Friday 6 July 2012

Business Networking with the PMClub Derby

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

I guess there will always be a little frisson of nerves on my part when going to new places or meeting new people.  I don't know why - but there it is. 

Networking, for those of us who work for ourselves, is a two edged sword.  Not only is it a way of connecting with like minded enterprising individuals to learn about their businesses for mutual benefit.  But, for me, networking should also be more, much more.  Individuals should be able to relax and enjoy each others company in a social environment.  So far my networking experiences have left me a little dissatisfied.  I guess different group objectives will have a direct and not always positive effect on group dynamics.  Plus the fact that the others I have so far come across want three figure fees to join their group and you have a whole bunch of stuff to do besides.  For some - it is the perfect vehicle.  For others who are short of time and capital it is not so good.

Last night though was completely different from my other networking experiences.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

The PMClub meets on the 1st Thursday of the month regularly at the Vie Lounge (Piano Bar and Restaurant) Derby.  The cost was only £10 with a £2 of that going to me&dee.  Now that got my interest going - a group of business actually supporting a local Derby charity.  The vibes were starting to humm nicely.

The dinner was amazing, the dessert divine, the music smooth on the ear and although our group was small our discussions were wide ranging and lively covering not only all manner of business topics and ventures but also more personal interests including camping (my favourite hobby).  Although I didn't actually own up to my other passion - the forthcoming Trekki conference in London during October.

Have I peeked your interest?  Well if I have and you would like to join us at the Vie Lounge the next meeting is schedule for the first Thursday in September.   Keep an eye out for the meeting details being posted on their website: PMClub 


"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."
-- Amelia Earhart

Monday 25 June 2012

Olympic Tourch Relay Procession comes to Derby

Raph Bruhwiler Surfs with Olympic Flame
From the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

For a couple of months now I've been having trouble with my diary - the days have been a bit floaty - if you what I mean.  If you don't then basically I lose track of time.  Apparently (according to daughter number One) this is not uncommon in the elderly.

For instance, just the other day we got several free newspapers shoved through the door.  And as usual I just moved them directly into the blue bag for recycling.  Obviously unread - but very good for wrapping up food leftovers for adding to the composting bin. 

However, one publication did catch my eye:  Your Derby produced by the Derby City Council.  This one did actually get read... and I have to say there is some good stuff in there, including a Guide to the Olympic Torch Relay Procession complete with a Brazilian themed party 9pm till midnight in the Market Place on Friday night.  Who would have thought Derby was such a hip hop happening place?!

"Ohh" I thought - "that's typical - this event has completely passed me by.  Odd that - didn't see anything in the papers."

 It wasn't till 'im indoors set me straight and pointed out that this grand event would be happening in and around the Derby Town centre THIS WEEKEND.

Mind we still going to miss it - we off up to Yorkshire to do a spot of camping and visit the other relatives.


For a full timetable of events visit:  Derby City Council: Torch Relay Comes to Derby

Thought for Today:

" Children are the best teachers!"  Author Unknown

Sunday 24 June 2012


From the Desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

The thing I have noticed  about my clients is that any communique they receive from HMRC is taken very seriously.  They sort of go into hot flush / absolute panic mode.  They find themselves sitting up  sit up straighter and hold the letter with the reverence/fear that any believer might give to their sacred scriptures.

Until the other day, I would not have attributed the word 'excited' to a client receiving a HMRC email.  But there it was - my client was positively humming with joy at an email he'd received from HMRC telling him that he'd was due a sizable rebate and could he kindly click on the link provided to confirm his details. 

As happenstance would have it one of the things that I am DEAD keen on is NOT CLICKING on any links provided by helpful looking emails.  For my clients I must seem like a record that has got stuck...

The lesson worked though - client duly forwarded me the email and with a bit of due diligence on my part quickly confirmed that it was a phishing email and I dispatched it over to the HMRC Spam Alerts asap.

Also very happily - client had not opened the link.  Whew! 

Just so we are very clear on this subject:

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will NEVER send notifications of a tax rebate by email, or ask you to disclose personal or payment information by email.  Do not visit the website contained within the email or disclose any personal or payment information.

For more information on Phishing and other Bogus efforts visit  HMRC Security


Thought for today: 

"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you."
Princess Diana

Monday 18 June 2012

of revamps, new clients and cabinets

From the desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

It's always exciting when my business moves into new, unexplored territory. 

I think.

Yes, (nods to self reassuringly).  So then, whats new?

Well, I've been invited to apply for Fellowship membership at the IAM.  This is a truly double edged sword.... whilst I am truly chuffed to pieces at the prospect of being  a 'F' - my accountant swooned (he tends to do that a lot around me) at the amount they charge for the privilege of being elevated to the aforementioned giddy heights of the 'F'.

On a different tack and good news for my long-suffering-swooning-accountant, I am now the proud owner of my own .com address along with a newly made over website - its nearly finished.  It would be finished already but my new to me webmaster is now on leave in Spain for two weeks.  Still I have a short time to look over and make some changes.

Actually, I haven't worked it out yet - but ball park this new website and hosting is going to save me some 90% in web fees this year.  I can see my accountant beaming from where I sit.  Well not literally - he's based in Yorkshire and I'm based in Derbyshire - so it is purely figurative if you know what I mean....

It's always nice when new to me clients come on board and my latest ones are totally sweet and have some of the most complete sets of day books that I have ever seen.  Still I searched hard and came up with a couple of improvements that they seem quite delighted to adopt.  I've been invited to attend their next committee meeting to present the final accounts.  This put me in a bit of a flap... what on earth does one wear to a Tenants Association meeting of the Committee?  Drop me a line if you have any suggestions.

Whilst it's excellent news that my business continues to expand I am beginning to find my office space is becoming a little cramped.  In fact there has been a sort of paper explosion and I've ended up with little heaps covering most of the empty surfaces.  This is not good.  So at the weekend off we went to Ikea to source a new filing cabinet.  Now everything is in little heaps INSIDE the cabinet..... guess I ought to put aside a day to go through the accumulated paper work and give it a little spring clean. 

.....  hummmm

I wonder if my accountant would suffer a fatal heart attack if I brought a new summer house cum office space? 


Thought for the Day:

In politics, if you want anything said ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.
-- Margaret Thatcher

Monday 7 May 2012

Negative Cash Flow

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

Definition: Negative Cash Flow

Very simply - your outgoings exceed your incomings.

This situation can and does happen for a variety of reasons, and for many will only be a temporary loss in the grand scheme of things.

However, if this situation continues it may be indicative of employee fraud, ineffective credit controls, or losses in real terms.

According to a report by

Big Corporates worst offenders in £24 billion late payment debt 24/05/2011

Large corporates are responsible for many of the late payments making up the massive £24 billion owed to British small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), according to research from Bacs, the organisation behind Direct Debit and Bacs Direct Credit.

But, in contrast with the commercial sector, the public and third sectors are meeting more of their bills on time — SMEs experiencing late payment on invoices to government and not-for-profit organisations almost halved from 11% to 6% in the last six months of 2010.

Bacs newest late payments research shows a third of SMEs reporting that big businesses are behind late bill settlement. And those operating in the manufacturing industry are most likely to suffer delay at the hands of the big corporates, where 41% of the sector's SMEs experiencing late payment said large companies were to blame for overdue invoices.

Negative Cash Flow is not something to be taken lightly.  In the interests of running a successful enterprise, which make no mistake, is measured by how much profit is made at year-end, it is imperative for the SME to put in place relevant systems and checks to identify where the drain on their profits is occurring; whether from staff theft, ineffective management, or simply not being paid on time.

Question then becomes:  what systems/checks do I need?


Thought for Today: 

The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be.  Horace Bushnell

Thursday 3 May 2012

Teetering Steps Towards Networking

From the desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

I took some time out of my busy work schedule yesterday to attend, as a guest of Karl Baker of Taurus Collections (UK) Ltd, a BNI meeting held in the Genting Club, Riverlights, Derby.

BNI are forming a new 'Chapter' in Derby, ie a core group of business people, that meet every week to share ideas, support and encourage, make new contacts and share business referrals.  As they only have one skill set per core group, competition for a place is intense.

There was an interesting mix of Derby's excellent business's represented.

Listening to the video presentation whilst eating an lovely luncheon, made me think, for the first time, which direction I wanted to take BKD in the future.  Did I want to retain my sole trader status and keep on quietly managing peoples business?  Or do I want to expand to a place where I can employ a variety of bookkeepers and associates and even grow to a point where I can accommodate a number of young people placements.

Certainly, if it is the expansion route I want to take then it is clear that joining BNI is a no-brainer.

My thanks to Karl for the invitation.  You have certainly given me food for thought.


Thought for the Day:

Behold the turtle.  He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.  James Bryant Conant (1893-1978)

External Reference:

Business Know-How:  10 Tips for Successful Business Networking

Friday 27 April 2012

Timesheet APP Anyone?

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

Timesheets are a bit of a 'fried sausage'.

Past experience has taught me that just before month end there would be a departmental rush on the obligatory 'green form' followed by the scratching of 160+ pens as people endeavoured to remember which meetings off site they'd cover during the past month.  Some epistles were worthy of the Man Booker Prize - Fiction category.

Needless to say some of the most creative ones were moofed and returned to the hopeful author along with a fresh new green form for a rework.  So then began the challenging game of trying to get a work of fiction past me. Shlupppp.

Nooo....what we need is a Timesheet APP that can be downloaded to the phone or laptop.  Just prod a relevant button and it records all the data for you.  Then at the end of the month - do the wireless connectivity thingy and hey presto - out pops something that could nearly be considered genuine data.

Perhaps for an extra subscription you could get a voice activated Timesheet APP.

Perhaps I should now rush off and copyright my idea.


Inspirational Quote for Today:

"I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them."
George Bush.

Friday 20 April 2012

"Accounting for the Terrified"

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

Client Question: What sort of records do I need to keep?

The subject of record keeping is probably one of the greyest areas for anyone who has set up and is running their own business.  Their day is full enough trying to win contracts, dealing with clients/customers/members of the public that often times any thoughts towards setting up AND maintaining any sort of accurate detailed record keeping system is one of those AROUNTOIT jobs that keeps on getting pushed further and further down the line.

HMRC guidelines are amazingly and sweetly simple:

Basic records you must keep

You must keep records so that you can fill in the return fully and accurately.
Your basic business records must include:
  • a record of all your sales and takings
  • a record of all your purchases and expenses

You (or your book keeper) can then use these records to create a profit and loss account. It shows the sales income you've received and the expenses you've paid, and what profit/loss you've actually made.

But the key to any good (ie remarkably low) tax bill is the QUALITY of the records. 

Therein lies another painful decision - should the records be kept on a manual system or electronic?

If you've only just started out or are perhaps a year or so into your business then perhaps a manual system is a good starter for ten.  It is relatively cheap, around £15 and not only covers the ins and outs but has options to record telephone calls, mileage and other useful (to your bookkeeper) data that is perhaps not so obvious to the new-to-record-keeping-entrepreneur.

One of the easiest manual accounting systems for the Non-VAT Registered Small Business (and highly recommended to me by my mother-in-law) is the aptly named:

The Best Small Business Accounts Book (yellow Version): For a Non-VAT Registered Small Business ; This is ideal for those businesses with mostly cash sales.

There is also (equally recommended)  for the non-VAT small businesses with mostly invoiced sales also inspirationally entitled:

The Best Small Business Accounts Book (blue Version): For a Non-VAT Registered Small Business

Still find yourself  in the 'terrified' category?  Contact us here at Bookkeeper Derby - we may just be be able to help.


Catch up with us later at Twitter:  @BookkeeperDerby

Tuesday 17 April 2012

PAYE Real Time Information (RTI) - is it working?

from the desk of Bookkeeper Derby

Camping holidays are nice.  They are an opportunity to 'get away from it all' especially if one is forced to leave behind all means of connecting with the outside world, including my mobile-that can send emails/posts to twitter/facebook/surfs the net- phone.  It does mean though that on ones return to civilisation one is forced to spend a nominal day playing 'catch-up'.

There are several topics that caught the attention, the most intriguing being the topic of  PAYE Real Time Information (RTI). 

In an article posted on the HMRC website:  The tax revolution starts – PAYE Real Time Information (RTI) pilot begins

David Gauke, Exchequer Secretary suggested that:

”RTI will remove administrative burdens of £300 million a year from employers, mainly from the abolition of the end-of-year PAYE returns process – the biggest single contribution that any tax change could make.”

Currently the pilot scheme involves 10 volunteer employers with this number increasing to 310 employers joining in May and June 2012.  By March 2013 nearly 250,000 employers will be on board.

In the grand scheme of things introducing an up to date reporting system makes perfect sense, year old data is useless in anyones books.  And if it saves us all money -  well surely all of us will benefit. 

And I use the word 'benefit' loosely.

 RTI will eventually support the operation of universal credit, the government's welfare programme that brings together means-tested in and out of work benefits, tax credits and support for housing.

 Suddenly the call of the wild outdoors is very hard to resist.


External Sources:

HMRC:  The tax revolution starts – PAYE Real Time Information (RTI) pilot begins

The Guardian:  Real Time Information PAYE pilot goes live at HMRC

Thursday 5 April 2012

Tax-free £10,000 earnings likely 'within two years'

from the desk of Bookkeeper Derby

In the Tax Season ending 2001 the Personal Tax Free Allowance was £4,385.00 The recent increases have meant that for the Tax Season ending 2013 the Personal Tax Free Allowance will be £8,105.00 

Intriguingly a recent article in the Independant [speculates] that in next years budget the PTF will be set so that anyone earning £10,000 will no longer be required to pay tax.

Sounds like good news?

Perhaps not...

Rachel Reeves, shadow secretary to the Treasury, said the rise in tax personal allowance was not enough.

"Ed Balls said ahead of the Budget the best way of getting money in the pockets of ordinary people was a cut in VAT, but we said we would support an increase in personal allowance. But numbers from the Institute of Fiscal Studies shows that from next month the average family is going to be £530 worse off each year, and these changes only help by about £170." 


Source:  The Independant

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Possibly the most important 10-digit number you will ever need…

from the desk of Bookkeeper Derby

…. that is of course, if you are self-employed. The 10-digit Unique Tax Reference number is often over-looked / misplaced and undoubtably ignored. Until that is, you need to submit an online return.
HMRC in their informative article: Understanding and using Self Assessment Online tells us that:
You’ll find your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) on correspondence from HMRC. If you can’t find it, you can contact the Self Assessment Helpline and ask for it to be sent to your home address. HMRC can’t tell you your UTR over the phone.
It is my understanding from a variety of clients that trying to reach the right department within the HMRC is a challenge akin to climbing Mount Everest Summit. However, the elation of getting through to the right person with The Knowledge was swiftly quashed when it became apparent that the needed digits would not be told to them over the phone – but would be sent in a sealed envelope. Second class post.
So before embarking on this path, I would encourage those who have inadvertently misplaced your UTR to do a through search of all your paperwork – you are looking specifically for any document from the HMRC - the UTR number is nominally located in the top left of letters and is found in two blocks of five digits.

Have a Great Day! 

Other useful sources for reference:

UTR Help and Advice

Caught out by End of Year ......Again?

from the desk of Bookkeeper Derby

It comes as quite a shock to many of us just how fast the years whistle by us - especially as many of us have to deal with Year End accounts.  Once the euphoria of actually having submitted 'something' into HMRC has worn off then for many of us there comes the nasty surprise of actually having to pay the Tax Man his due.

Having been self employed for many years one of the best pieces of advice my accountant gave me was to skim off the top 20% of my earnings and put it in a savings account preferably under lock and key and labelled - DO NOT TOUCH!  This money grew, surprisingly (to me at any rate) fast as each week passed.  Thus I had a lovely pot of money that was ready to access to pay off any tax bills sent by HMRC.  Amazingly enough I usually found I had enough set by to pay my accountant too.

Just recently I came across a very useful free to use tool.  One that helps you work out how much of your income you should set aside.  I present to you the: Percentage Calculator.

Why is this useful I hear you ask?  Simply it saves brain ache, its so easy to use oh and did I mention it is free? 

Definitely recommend this tool to help make your life easier.  Save it to your favourites tab.

Quote for Today

Miracles: You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24-7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap... crackle... this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world...        Hugh Elliott

Hope you have a great day!