Sunday 15 July 2012

Burnley Savings and Loans Company aka Bank on Dave

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

I don't know about you but watching Dave Fishwick talking about setting up a new kind of bank, on the tele the other night was a refreshing and dare I admit it, an interesting experience. 

Refreshing, because well, his accent is sort of familiar.  Husband comes from Dave's neck of the woods and we usually try and go home at least once a month.  Last time we were 'up North' we had to do some errands for gran.  And I was shocked.  Five years ago the shopping areas we went into were bustling and thriving - today there over 95% of the business were gone.  The shopping precincts were empty of traders.  To Let and For Sale boards hung outside business premises were tatty, dirty and ripped.  Obviously they had been there for some time.  What happened?  Where have they gone?

People talk in vague terms of the North-South divide and how the rich are getting richer.... and then of course there are the banks or rather in particular the people who take the enormous bonuses out of a 'bank business' that well - let's not mince about the bush.. have failed.

I find myself feeling totally disgusted by their greed and avarice.

So Dave Fishwich was a breath of fresh air and I for one am going to watch with baited breath for the next instalment.


"I don't hire people who have to be told to be nice.  I hire nice people."  Leona Helmsly
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  1. what a brilliant go getting man dave fishwick is he should be prime minister oh perhaps not they all get concieted and greedy

  2. Def agree on that one.... don't think he'd fiddle his expenses either. Just found out the first opening to put money into his saving scheme is 2014!


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