Wednesday 14 November 2012

It's that time of year ....... for Budgeting

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

Filling in Budgeting Forecast Spreadsheets:  A pain in the butt or one of the most important management decision making tools you can have at your finger tips?

When I get five minutes I am going to link in a 'Budget Forecast Spreadsheet'.  It's one of the best ones for monitoring performance actuals against planned activities that I have come across to date.  It's really simple to fill in and gives one a sense of direction and something to refer back to at various stages in the fiscal year.

I will confess that I do get a teensy bit of resistance from my new-to-me clients who have never had an opportunity to complete one before - and sometimes its only when we've reviewed a couple quarters that suddenly it becomes one of their most important management tools that helps them actually SEE what sort of health regards cash flow is within their business.

For instance, a Budget Sheet can be used to help decide whether there's enough money in the kitty to move into new premises, or buy new stock or machinery, or provide staff training or worse case - whether your incoming cash is a mere trickle or flowing nicely - thank you.

If you don't have one already have a look at the one that I will be posting - it really is very easy.  However, if you get stuck - send me an email and I'll do my best to help.

Have fun!


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