Friday 27 April 2012

Timesheet APP Anyone?

From the Desk of the Bookkeeper Derby

Timesheets are a bit of a 'fried sausage'.

Past experience has taught me that just before month end there would be a departmental rush on the obligatory 'green form' followed by the scratching of 160+ pens as people endeavoured to remember which meetings off site they'd cover during the past month.  Some epistles were worthy of the Man Booker Prize - Fiction category.

Needless to say some of the most creative ones were moofed and returned to the hopeful author along with a fresh new green form for a rework.  So then began the challenging game of trying to get a work of fiction past me. Shlupppp.

Nooo....what we need is a Timesheet APP that can be downloaded to the phone or laptop.  Just prod a relevant button and it records all the data for you.  Then at the end of the month - do the wireless connectivity thingy and hey presto - out pops something that could nearly be considered genuine data.

Perhaps for an extra subscription you could get a voice activated Timesheet APP.

Perhaps I should now rush off and copyright my idea.


Inspirational Quote for Today:

"I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them."
George Bush.

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