Tuesday 17 July 2012

National Landlords Association (NLA) Accreditation Scheme

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

One of the main difficulties faced by the landlord with a small portfolio is 'what to do if something goes wrong?  Property problems can range from mould to overgrown hedges to having to replace a rusty bath with a whole variety of issues in between. And then of course there are the tenant issues.

Networking with other landlords in your area can prove surprisingly beneficial.  Discussions can be wide ranging covering such tricky topics of where to find a new tenant to the pros and cons of the various letting agencies that offer their property management services to the unsuspecting newbie.

Another option would be to connect with a landlord association such as the NLA (National Landlords Association).  Subscribing to their RSS feed is free and its a great way to keep up with all the latest news.  In addition they not only do they offer membership to the NLA for a small fee (tax deductible), but they also run a (CPD based) accreditation scheme.

NLA say that:

"Accreditation is an excellent way for responsible landlords to improve their knowledge of the sector as well as verifiably promote your services as a good landlord to tenants."

To find out more about their accreditation scheme visit: NLA - For Landlords


Thought for Today

"Men keep their agreements when it is an advantage to both parties not to break them.” Plutarch

Sunday 15 July 2012

Burnley Savings and Loans Company aka Bank on Dave

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

I don't know about you but watching Dave Fishwick talking about setting up a new kind of bank, on the tele the other night was a refreshing and dare I admit it, an interesting experience. 

Refreshing, because well, his accent is sort of familiar.  Husband comes from Dave's neck of the woods and we usually try and go home at least once a month.  Last time we were 'up North' we had to do some errands for gran.  And I was shocked.  Five years ago the shopping areas we went into were bustling and thriving - today there over 95% of the business were gone.  The shopping precincts were empty of traders.  To Let and For Sale boards hung outside business premises were tatty, dirty and ripped.  Obviously they had been there for some time.  What happened?  Where have they gone?

People talk in vague terms of the North-South divide and how the rich are getting richer.... and then of course there are the banks or rather in particular the people who take the enormous bonuses out of a 'bank business' that well - let's not mince about the bush.. have failed.

I find myself feeling totally disgusted by their greed and avarice.

So Dave Fishwich was a breath of fresh air and I for one am going to watch with baited breath for the next instalment.


"I don't hire people who have to be told to be nice.  I hire nice people."  Leona Helmsly
External Links

Friday 6 July 2012

Business Networking with the PMClub Derby

from the Desk of the Bookkeeper in Derby

I guess there will always be a little frisson of nerves on my part when going to new places or meeting new people.  I don't know why - but there it is. 

Networking, for those of us who work for ourselves, is a two edged sword.  Not only is it a way of connecting with like minded enterprising individuals to learn about their businesses for mutual benefit.  But, for me, networking should also be more, much more.  Individuals should be able to relax and enjoy each others company in a social environment.  So far my networking experiences have left me a little dissatisfied.  I guess different group objectives will have a direct and not always positive effect on group dynamics.  Plus the fact that the others I have so far come across want three figure fees to join their group and you have a whole bunch of stuff to do besides.  For some - it is the perfect vehicle.  For others who are short of time and capital it is not so good.

Last night though was completely different from my other networking experiences.

I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

The PMClub meets on the 1st Thursday of the month regularly at the Vie Lounge (Piano Bar and Restaurant) Derby.  The cost was only £10 with a £2 of that going to me&dee.  Now that got my interest going - a group of business actually supporting a local Derby charity.  The vibes were starting to humm nicely.

The dinner was amazing, the dessert divine, the music smooth on the ear and although our group was small our discussions were wide ranging and lively covering not only all manner of business topics and ventures but also more personal interests including camping (my favourite hobby).  Although I didn't actually own up to my other passion - the forthcoming Trekki conference in London during October.

Have I peeked your interest?  Well if I have and you would like to join us at the Vie Lounge the next meeting is schedule for the first Thursday in September.   Keep an eye out for the meeting details being posted on their website: PMClub 


"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."
-- Amelia Earhart